Will CBD get me high?
No, CBD is non psycho-active. CBD is actually anti psycho-active and can reverse the psycho-active effects of THC.
Is CBD legal in the UK?
Yes, all our products are THC free and fully legal in the UK and Europe.
Will CBD help me with my illness?
Because of current UK legislation CBD can only be sold as a food supplement that promotes good health and wellbeing.
How does CBD work?
CBD supplements the Endocannabinoid system, one of the body’s most important systems, helping to maintain homeostatis and good health and well being.
What is the best method of ingestion?
It is believed that either placing oral drops of CBD oil under the tongue for 30-90 seconds before swallowing or Vaping CBD e liquid are the most beneficial ways to administer CBD.
Are there side effects from CBD?
CBD is a natural safe product and side effects are very rare. You should always consult your Doctor before adding any new health supplements.
Will I fail a Cannabis drug test?
No, all our products contain zero trace amounts of any psycho-active compounds that could be detected in a drug test.